The Barn

The Barn

  • Barn main view

    Barn main building

    Phase I Restoration & Renovation

    Barn main building

    Horse and lower level renovations, North and South Stages, general carpentry, geothermal and/or ductless HVAC systems, dehumidifiers, flooring, lighting, sealing, kitchen, bathrooms (3), conference room renovations, fire and security systems, new furnishings, new plumbing, fiber IT, game room, bedrooms (5) renovations, insulation, sound-proofing, fiber cement exterior cladding, solar panels, new roof, windows and doors, landscaping and drainage, fencing and stonework, decking, paving and driveways, utility building, pond house and pond dredging and restoration, trenching, driveways, parking, tree removal (5), well installation, septic update and relocation, loading dock doors, audio and video equipment and installation, permits.

  • barn ground level

    Barn horse level conversion

    Phase I Restoration & Renovation

    Barn horse level

    Horse and lower level renovations description detail.

  • interior-play-room-640x480

    Barn recreation room

    Phase I Restoration & Renovation

    Barn main level

    Horse and lower level renovations, North and South Stages, general carpentry, geothermal and/or ductless HVAC systems, dehumidifiers, flooring, lighting, sealing, kitchen, bathrooms (3), conference room renovations, fire and security systems, new furnishings, new plumbing, fiber IT, game room, bedrooms (5) renovations, insulation, sound-proofing, fiber cement exterior cladding, solar panels, new roof, windows and doors, landscaping and drainage, fencing and stonework, decking, paving and driveways, utility building, pond house and pond dredging and restoration, trenching, driveways, parking, tree removal (5), well installation, septic update and relocation, loading dock doors, audio and video equipment and installation, permits.

  • LongView Farms - the studio area

    Barn studio & performance area

    Phase I Restoration & Renovation

    Barn stage level Audio

    Full Tracking Studio; Neve Genesys desk, Pro Tools HD rig fully loaded and D2A/A2D convertors, select vintage outboard, near and midfield speakers, microphone package, instrument amplifier collection, assorted cables and wiring.

    Barn stage level Video

    Includes field production, Sony F55 & F5 cameras, Angenieux/Arri/Zeiss lenses, digital recorders, Lite Panel Inca & Sola lighting, RAW recorders, studio and field microphones, audio recorders, teleprompter.

  • cottage schematic

    Barn cottage

    Phase I Restoration & Renovation

    Barn main level

    Demolition & Rebuild (Cottage/Client Multipurpose Room).  One-story cottage/client multipurpose, parking lot (5 spaces), solar panels, furnishings, lighting, IT cabling, special assessment permits, landscaping, decking.